
This website has been designed to be as accessible to as many people as possible.
We acknowledge that the site – as well as current web standards – does not address every accessibility issue. If you have difficulty using our site, please let us know and we will do our best to address your needs in future maintenance and development.

Access keys
Most web browsers allow users to jump to specific links by typing keys defined on the web site. On Windows, you can press ALT + an access key. On Macintosh, you can press CTRL + an access key.

Standards compliance
This site aims to comply with priority 2 guidelines of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. The site’s overall accessibility is monitored on an ongoing basis.

The markup for this site is intended to validate as XHTML 1.0 Transitional. The site uses semantic markup. For example, on this page h4 tags are used to denote sections of the accessibility statement. This should allow JAWS and other screen reader users to skip between sections.

All images include descriptive ALT attributes. Purely decorative graphics include null ALT attributes. Complex images include LONGDESC attributes or other descriptions of their content.

Browser text-sizing tool
Most popular browsers feature a text resizing tool in the toolbar.

With this tool you can resize text on screen to a level you feel comfortable with. Just click on the icon, and select a new size.

Visual design
This site uses cascading style sheets for its visual layout. If your browser does not support style sheets (or has a particularly unpredictable implementation of them), the content of each should still be readable.

All pages use relative font sizes, adjustable from the text-sizing functionality in your browser.

Wherever appropriate, links have title attributes which describe the link in greater detail. Wherever possible, links are written to make sense when taken out of their original context.