
Clearwater advises management on the acquisition of CED by Blackfin from a.s.r., Nationale Nederlanden and Vivat


Management and Blackfin acquired CED from a.s.r., Nationale Nederlanden, Vivat




Adviser to management on the acquisition of CED by Blackfin from a.s.r., Nationale Nederlanden and Vivat


Financial Services



Ra2lClearwater advises management on the acquisition of CED by Blackfin Capital Partners from a.s.r., Nationale Nederlanden and Vivat

Clearwater has advised management on the acquisition of CED, a European claims management provider, by Blackfin Capital Partners (BCP), a European investment company, from a.s.r., Nationale Nederlanden and Vivat, a consortium of Dutch insurers and brokers.

CED is a full-service claims management provider, whose scope of activities has broadened out in recent years. This has involved new products and services, both in and outside the insurance sector, in which technological innovation plays an important role.

BCP is a leading investment company, focusing on the financial sector across Europe. The company employs around 25 professionals and operates from Paris, Brussels, and Frankfurt.

BCP and management will strengthen CED’s strategy towards further innovation and technology-supported services.

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