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Joris Heerkens

I am a Partner of the Clearwater Amsterdam office after founding the Dutch business in 2001; I have over 20 years’ experience in corporate finance. During this time I have supervised a large number of transactions in numerous sectors, both extremely competitive sales processes for private equity, as well as delicate one-to-one processes. I particularly enjoy working for private companies (owner-managers) and assisting management teams in buyouts. At Clearwater, every project provides the challenge of finding the best possible approach. When a business is sold, the focus is often on realising the highest possible proceeds. But a good future for the company and the employees is often equally important. I get more excited when solving this puzzle is difficult, because the market has developed negatively, the intended buyer is the most important customer or supplier, or the company has had disappointing results for a few years.
Want to connect with Joris? +31 (0) 6 5064 5331 Connect