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Miquel Martí

I lead our international private equity service team at Clearwater International and I am a member of the international consumer and food & beverage sector teams. The consumer and the food & beverage sectors have been my focus for over 25 years, during which I have had international executive positions in several multinational corporates, in a global private equity firm and a partner role at Clearwater International, since its formation in 2014. With experience of being on both sides of a transaction, this allows me to have a hands-on approach to deal making and a good understanding of the strategic challenges mid-size companies face today. Furthermore, I use my knowledge of the private equity space to make connections and to create value for family-owned companies and management teams in need of a dynamic partner that supports their business plans. I enjoy meeting business owners to discuss their strategic challenges, to understand their particular needs and working with them to find ways to achieve their objectives. What makes me especially proud is to look back on the deals I have helped complete and see that the goals of our clients were realised and significant value was created for their businesses.
Want to connect with Miquel? +34 917 812 890 miquel.marti@clearwatercf.com