Results for tobias-schätzmüller


  • Automotive OEMs and suppliers move towards regional production

    To counter the threat of global tariffs, the move towards regional automotive production and “localisation” is gathering pace. That’s the view of Tobias Schätzmüller, Managing Partner and International Head of Automotive.

  • Automotive Newsletter Q4 2021

    Once again, considerable activity in the areas of electromobility and autonomous driving continues to drive M&A activity in Q4 2021 with investments in companies such as Aurora Innovation and Sun Mobility.

  • Automotive Newsletter Q4 2020

    Despite another increase in COVID-19 case numbers globally, transaction activity increased sharply in Q4 after slowly picking up in Q3 and is now well above 2019 levels.

  • Automotive Newsletter Q1 2021

    Rising COVID-19 case numbers and repeat lockdowns have continued to impact deal activity in Q1 2021, causing the automotive sector to fall short of its Q4 2020 momentum.

  • Interview with Luc Wanten, CEO of Borit

    The debate around the potential of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies to drive decarbonisation is not new. But with the industry having performed lots of research and limited-scale market introductions, Luc Wanten, CEO of fuel cell plate manufacturer Borit, believes the sector has finally reached a tipping point.

  • Global view

    As the World Energy Council (WEC) recently remarked, hydrogen and fuel cell technologies have experienced “cycles of high expectations followed by impractical realities” going back many years. However, the mix of falling fuel cell prices, stringent climate change requirements, and a strong commitment to the hydrogen sector by many countries - most notably China, South Korea and Japan - is now transforming their potential.

  • The technology

    A fuel cell generates electricity by forcing a fuel to react with oxygen. The most commonly used fuel today is hydrogen, but fuel cells can use almost any hydrocarbon including gas and alcohol. A constant supply of fuel and oxygen is required to sustain the reaction that produces the electricity.

  • Market overview

    With increasing demand from a range of transportation segments, fuel cell technology is expected to grow exponentially in coming years.