Clearwater International advises the shareholders of bmp greengas on the sale of the company to Erdgas Suedwest

Clearwater International has advised the shareholders of bmp greengas on the sale of 100% of the share capital to Erdgas Suedwest.

bmp greengas, headquartered in Munich, Germany, is the market leading biomethane wholesaler and service provider in Germany. The company trades approximately 2 TWh of biomethane per year, accounting for 15-20% of the German biomethane market. bmp greengas is the partner of choice for reliable transport, trouble-free balancing and secure supply of biomethane.

Erdgas Suedwest, headquartered in Ettlingen, Germany, is a gas supplier, particularly active in south-west Germany. Besides supplying natural gas, the company has a clear focus on the production and trading of biogas. Erdgas Suedwest is owned by the German publicly traded electric utilities company Energie Baden-Württemberg and Zweckverband Oberschwaebische Elektrizitaetswerke, a consortium of nine regional districts in south-west Germany.

  • Image of bmp greengas Company Logo
    vendida a
    Image of Erdgas Suedwest Company Logo
    una subsidiaria de
    Image of EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg Company Logo
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    Asesores de Clearwater

    Asesor de bmp greengas en su venta a Erdgas Suedwest una subsidiaria de EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg

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