405x543 Hnaff Korantin

Korantin Hénaff Le Gall

I joined the Clearwater team in Paris in March 2022 as an Analyst. After initial experiences in Transaction Services at EY and in M&A in a French multinational specialized in restaurants, I joined the small and mid-cap M&A team of KPMG Corporate Finance for two years, where I carried out transactions in the industry, technology, healthcare as well as wine and spirits sectors. I chose to join Clearwater for its reputation, its multi-sector expertise and the opportunity to work closely with the management of the companies we support. This demanding and stimulating environment allows me to develop my skills on various subjects within a benevolent and dynamic team. I have a master’s degree in Finance from the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne.
Want to connect with Korantin? +33 609 211 435 korantin.henaff-legall@clearwatercf.com Connect