Andreas Klaveback_Profile

Andreas Klavebäck

Associate Director
I joined Clearwater back in 2019 as an Analyst in the Stockholm office. Since then, I've had the opportunity to work with a range of clients, from entrepreneurs to corporates and private equity, spanning different sectors. For me, the journey has been more than just numbers and transactions – it's been about the people I've met and the lessons learned along the way that have shaped both my professional and personal life. Before Clearwater, I spent two years in leveraged finance. My background also includes experience from S&P Global in Frankfurt and Endurance Capital in Vietnam. Academically, I hold BSc and MSc degrees in Accounting and Financial Management from the Stockholm School of Economics, along with a Masters in CEMS International Management from SSE and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Want to connect with Andreas? +46 76 136 77 59 Connect